It is expected that all students shall dress appropriately and act responsibly. For purposes of safety and continuity of the instructional programs, the following guidelines shall be observed:
The following types of clothing are not permitted:
- Clothing that allows excessive exposure: Exposed midriffs, spaghetti straps, sheer blouses, low-neckline clothing, mini-skirts, and short shorts (knee-level shorts and skirts are acceptable).
- Muscle shirts, sweats, and jersey with logos.
- Oversized clothing.
- Gang related attire: belt buckles with letters, colored shoelaces, and any type of clothing with questionable and suggestive language and/or pictures on it
- Any type of cap or head cover: headbands, hairnets, baseball caps, bandanas, etc.
NOTE: Tattoos that identify a gang affiliation must be covered.
Please refrain from the following activities:
- Use of cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices in classrooms.
- Food and/or beverages in classrooms.
As we welcome visitors to our school, and want to ensure an enjoyable, productive experience for all, please adhere to the following:
- Upon entering campus, all visitors shall sign in at the main office.
- Complete a visitor’s permit/pass and obtain the principal/designee’s approval before proceeding to the classroom.
- Request an appointment for a visitation date and time from the office staff after entering the school office.
- Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom observation time and frequency reasonable.
- Follow the school’s established procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher and/or principal/designee after the classroom visit, if needed.
- Before leaving campus, return the visitor’s permit and sign out at the main office.
- Children who are not enrolled at the school are not to be on the campus unless prior approval of the principal/designee has been obtained.
- Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
- Do not converse with the students, teacher(s), and/or instructional assistants during instructional time.
- Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation.
- Guide dogs/animals are permitted for our students, other pets, including therapy pets are not allowed on campus.
LAUSD Bulletin-1325.1 (Office of Chief Operator Officer)
LAUSD Bulletin – 3845 (Instructional Services)